November 2022
SAVE THE DATE - Atos Smart Days: SSP Servopumps
Do you know how many MWh / year you could save using Atos ENERGY SAVING SERVOPUMPS?
Let’s compare the power consumption of this solution, taking as reference a typical cycle of 300 Ton plastic injection molding machine and assuming 250 days/year on three 8h working shifts: SSP servopump saving is over 80% respect fixed displacement pump, for a TOTAL ANNUAL SAVINGS of 75 MWh!
Would you like to know more about SSP SMART SERVOPUMPS?
Join our technical webinar, REGISTER NOW AT THE LINK ATOS SMART DAYS and fill the registration form to secure your participation at the event, that it will take place on the 1st of December 2022 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM (GMT+1).
Download TSSP21 brochure for a complete overview and visit to download technical tables.